I have not blogged in months! Going to school full time, hasn't allowed for much time to blog. I am all done school. I took a 10 month certificate program and graduated. I have a job interview in the A.M. for a job that required the program I took. As I was going through my random piles for papers looking for certificates of attendance to workshops, I came across Aaron's initial assessment when he was first diagnosed with autism over two years ago.
How my little man has changed!!!! I actually understand WHAT the reports mean and where he was and where he has come. at 2 years 10 months, my son's language ability was in the 12-15 month range. Now he is where he should be for a 5 year old! So much has happened, so much has changed. His dad and I went through separation, Eric had to move out of his Aaron's only home he knew, his grandpa moved from a place Daniel knew and loved. He has gone through it like a champ.
In 2 months, Aaron will be in kindergarten! I know he is more than ready for it! Cognitively, he is ahead of most of his peers! Socially and emotionally, he is 1-2 years behind, but I am okay with this. He has come along so far, and I am so proud of him!
Take me as I am
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Monday, December 17, 2012
I Will NOT Google...
Tonight Aaron and I had to go to the walk-in clinic for a quick check up. He is due to fly up to his paternal grandparents with Eric for the holidays, and I don't want an ear infection cancelling the trip like last time. So I had the doctor look in his ears and one is a little iffy. I will take him back in two days. If it is still iffy, on to antibiotics he goes. I hate to put him on them, but if it means he is missing out on Christmas, he can go on them.
We initially went to the walk-in clinic for his ears, but I left worried about his eyes. As we were leaving he wanted to draw his name on the chalk bored. He spelled his name correctly; however, he wrote it right to left instead of left to right and some of his letters were backwards and off. Now, he is only 4 1/2, but I know this can be a sign of dyslexia. I am not freaking out, but I am a tad concerned.
I immediately called his coordinator and told her she wasn't sure what the next step in getting a diagnosis is. She will find out, and get back to me. In the meantime a trip to the family doctor and/or a referral to a paediatrician is in order. In Canada, children do not see a paediatrician unless it is a special circumstance. I am not upset but a little bit worried.... I have this nagging feeling, Why I don't know, but I do. I guess we will find out sooner or later. If dyslexia is the case, I know if it is caught soon enough, a lot can be done for Aaron, just as the autism was caught early and early intervention has been HUGE in the success he has had.
We initially went to the walk-in clinic for his ears, but I left worried about his eyes. As we were leaving he wanted to draw his name on the chalk bored. He spelled his name correctly; however, he wrote it right to left instead of left to right and some of his letters were backwards and off. Now, he is only 4 1/2, but I know this can be a sign of dyslexia. I am not freaking out, but I am a tad concerned.
I immediately called his coordinator and told her she wasn't sure what the next step in getting a diagnosis is. She will find out, and get back to me. In the meantime a trip to the family doctor and/or a referral to a paediatrician is in order. In Canada, children do not see a paediatrician unless it is a special circumstance. I am not upset but a little bit worried.... I have this nagging feeling, Why I don't know, but I do. I guess we will find out sooner or later. If dyslexia is the case, I know if it is caught soon enough, a lot can be done for Aaron, just as the autism was caught early and early intervention has been HUGE in the success he has had.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
College Girl
Why haven't I been posting? There are two reasons really.
1) Eric knows the URL to this blog, so I don't feel as thought I can really be me and 2) I am a college girl! I am going to school full time, 5 courses and parenting Aaron solo, as Eric is out of town for work. It goes with the territory of being in the military.
I think I will be starting a new blog soon as I need a place that is mine free to vent my thoughts as I like.
1) Eric knows the URL to this blog, so I don't feel as thought I can really be me and 2) I am a college girl! I am going to school full time, 5 courses and parenting Aaron solo, as Eric is out of town for work. It goes with the territory of being in the military.
I think I will be starting a new blog soon as I need a place that is mine free to vent my thoughts as I like.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Stripe Inspired Post
This post is brought to you by stripes! Inspired by Whoorl. Aaron and I are on the ferry on the start of our road trip to Alberta! Were off the go see Grandpa Bob, a stop in a at my dad's. Tomorrow my sisters, and Wednesday Cowtown! Aaron will be with his paternal grandparents and Then momma's off to a country music festival! Lets pray there are no tornado warnings. Weather has been weird on the prairies this past week. I am terrified of tornadoes!
Aaron and I both happen both be in stripes today! Aaron courtesy of The Children's Place and me of friend who lent me this shirt that I just love and no I will never ever find! So I will wear every time I get the chance. Were killing time Aaron watching his DVD player, me tooling around the interweb.
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A squirmey preschooler makes for a good post! You get the gist if his shirt. |
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Hiking Adventures and then some
I heard there was a trestle. The last month has been math, math and more math! (And teenagers.) Me the only adult aside from the teacher with hormonal 14-17 year olds. So on my first day of freedom I hit the trail and this is what I found.
I have been doing a lot more hiking since Eric and I parted ways. Getting to know and love this beautiful Island I live on instead of running away to Vancouver every chance I get. I've been accepted to a program to our local college that I am currently sitting 10th on a wait list. Fingers crossed I get in for September as opposed to January. The program is 10 months long. My short term goal until I get into nursing. I've only go 2 pre requisites left. Math and Chem. I just did a refresher math course and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and I got through it!
I am kinda, sorta, maybe seeing someone. We can call him Adam. There is no label on us. We don't chat every day, or even text. I'm busy, he's busy with work. We see each other once a week or so. And he hasn't been introduced to Aaron nor do I plan to. He also happens to be 24! He's very cute, funny we have a lot to talk about and he didn't even kiss me till our third date. That is unheard of for me! I like it the way it is and will keep it that way for now.
Next week, will be another roadtrip to Alberta for Aaron and I. He is off to the grandparents and mommy's off to Big Valley Jamboree! (BVJ) and there will be some Blake Shelton, Toby Keith and Rascal Flatts! Did I mention Blake Shelton? I am a tired mama and Aaron is coughing so I am off.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
What Am I Thinking?
Master Cleanse and Bikram's Yoga in one day? Ha! I am not a newb to hot yoga, but I am to cleansing.
If your squeamish about bodily functions of the cleansing nature, I suggest you stop reading now. SIF, I know you are.
So I have been wanting to do a cleanse/fast for awhile now. My reasoning is vain. I want to drop some weight fast. Yes, I know working out and eating healthy are they way to go, and that is what I have been doing, but summer is here and I want to kick start it a bit. Also to get all the crap out of my body. I tried the juice fast, but didn't last long. This master cleanse seems up my alley, so I am giving it a go.
I started it last night technically. If you want details, click here. I took my laxative tea before I went to bed. Prior to taking my tea I had gone to a hot yoga class. I saw that there was free yoga all weekend, so I figured I'd get a jump on my cleanse and sweat it out too. Ha! Hot yoga, is intense enough on its own. With a cleanse it is apparently not so good.
I got up drank my salt water flush (laxative) and went about getting ready for yoga. I hopped in my car and started driving to the studio which is a bout 15 min drive. I felt the need to go to the bathroom and figured I could wait until I got there.
Um... Yeah that wouldn't be the case. As a girl with IBS, I know.
I pulled into a gas station. Good Call!
After I finished up at the gas station, I got back in my car and headed to yoga. I got there and there was no parking! Being free, it was busy. I There was no street parking or parking lot parking.
I was starting to panic. I took a gander into the underground parking with a prayer and Sweet Jeebus I found a spot!
I immediately bolted into the studio, bypassed the receptionist straight to the change room to the bathroom only to to have a line up. Not good for a girl on Day 1 of her master cleanse!
Thankfully, the wait was short. I get in the bathroom and proceeded to monopolize it for 10 min or so. I figured I'd Git 'R Done and go sweat my ass off.
Sadly, that wasn't to be the case.
It was evident after washing my hands, that I would be monopolizing the other stall for a good 10 min or so and that sweating my ass off was not in the cards today.
I left, washed my hands, had a chat with the receptionist and she said she practices regularly and can't even practice while on the cleanse. I like how she put it, the first four days is getting the demons out of your body.
After our chat, I went to my car and immediately after pulling out of the parking lot and I needed a bathroom. Again! WTF?
I spied a gas station at the intersection kitty corner from me as I approached the intersextion. There was also one through the intersection is on my right, and then one on my right before the intersection. I was literally scanning the intersection left (ugh!) center (better) right (score!).
I pulled into the gas station, ran to the bathroom only to need key damn it! I rushed to the attendant, got the key and proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes in there. When I got out, the attendant asked me if I was okay. I just said I had the flu.
To any occupants of the bathrooms after me I apologize!
I still needed to get more lemons for my cleanse and was trying to plan the quickest route to my house where I could get lemons. I managed to do so and am happy to say I made it home without having to use any more facilities. For my fellow citizens sake, maybe I should just stay home.
But that may be a problem you see. I am suppose to have a date today. He said he would text me and so far he hasn't... I'll let you know how this goes.
If your squeamish about bodily functions of the cleansing nature, I suggest you stop reading now. SIF, I know you are.
So I have been wanting to do a cleanse/fast for awhile now. My reasoning is vain. I want to drop some weight fast. Yes, I know working out and eating healthy are they way to go, and that is what I have been doing, but summer is here and I want to kick start it a bit. Also to get all the crap out of my body. I tried the juice fast, but didn't last long. This master cleanse seems up my alley, so I am giving it a go.
I started it last night technically. If you want details, click here. I took my laxative tea before I went to bed. Prior to taking my tea I had gone to a hot yoga class. I saw that there was free yoga all weekend, so I figured I'd get a jump on my cleanse and sweat it out too. Ha! Hot yoga, is intense enough on its own. With a cleanse it is apparently not so good.
I got up drank my salt water flush (laxative) and went about getting ready for yoga. I hopped in my car and started driving to the studio which is a bout 15 min drive. I felt the need to go to the bathroom and figured I could wait until I got there.
Um... Yeah that wouldn't be the case. As a girl with IBS, I know.
I pulled into a gas station. Good Call!
After I finished up at the gas station, I got back in my car and headed to yoga. I got there and there was no parking! Being free, it was busy. I There was no street parking or parking lot parking.
I was starting to panic. I took a gander into the underground parking with a prayer and Sweet Jeebus I found a spot!
I immediately bolted into the studio, bypassed the receptionist straight to the change room to the bathroom only to to have a line up. Not good for a girl on Day 1 of her master cleanse!
Thankfully, the wait was short. I get in the bathroom and proceeded to monopolize it for 10 min or so. I figured I'd Git 'R Done and go sweat my ass off.
Sadly, that wasn't to be the case.
It was evident after washing my hands, that I would be monopolizing the other stall for a good 10 min or so and that sweating my ass off was not in the cards today.
I left, washed my hands, had a chat with the receptionist and she said she practices regularly and can't even practice while on the cleanse. I like how she put it, the first four days is getting the demons out of your body.
After our chat, I went to my car and immediately after pulling out of the parking lot and I needed a bathroom. Again! WTF?
I spied a gas station at the intersection kitty corner from me as I approached the intersextion. There was also one through the intersection is on my right, and then one on my right before the intersection. I was literally scanning the intersection left (ugh!) center (better) right (score!).
I pulled into the gas station, ran to the bathroom only to need key damn it! I rushed to the attendant, got the key and proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes in there. When I got out, the attendant asked me if I was okay. I just said I had the flu.
To any occupants of the bathrooms after me I apologize!
I still needed to get more lemons for my cleanse and was trying to plan the quickest route to my house where I could get lemons. I managed to do so and am happy to say I made it home without having to use any more facilities. For my fellow citizens sake, maybe I should just stay home.
But that may be a problem you see. I am suppose to have a date today. He said he would text me and so far he hasn't... I'll let you know how this goes.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Blake Shelton Concert Recap
So yes, It finally came and went and it was AMAZING!!! Better than I thought it would. Carol and I had a great time and I can say that I lost my voice before we even hit Seattle because were were singing along to his music all the way down the I-5! And not only did we get to see Blake Shelton, but Dia Frampton, Justin Moore and the lovely Mrs. Shelton herself. Yes, you read right Miranda Lambert showed up a Blake's show and performed Baggage Claim!!! I love her.
I couldn't have asked for a better concert. I think the concert was better than meeting Blake Shelton himself. I did get to meet him, and it was exactly as I thought it would be.
We waited at a section in the arena at the appointed time, showed our pass, then proceeded to wait behind some red gates, where ushered where I assume the dressing rooms are, waited in line and filed one by-one to have our pictures taken a quick autograph and where ushered out. I was happy to meet him, but it was so quick and impersonal that I it was over in a blink of an eye.
We weren't allowed to bring our own cameras to get pictures so I am patiently waiting for the pictured to be uploaded on his website. I don't even know if it's a good picture of me or if my eyed are open. I am notorious for squinting and looking stoned in my pics. I was hoping that it would be more of a mingling meet and greet with snacks and beverages, but hell I got to meet him which is pretty damn awesome.
Carol and I did this right, and got a hotel and everything. Only 3 things could've made the night better. 1) It wouldn't have been raining; 2) Carol would've gotten a Meet and Greet; 3) Some jerk hadn't stolen one of the signs we painted for him.
On our way to the concert.
Trying to win Carol a Meet and Greet playing "Blake's Balls" They won. t was a fare contest, maybe the baby belly helped? Dia Frampton! She was so sweet, It was a pleasure to watch her perform.
Justin Moore! So hot, and I love his song Bait a Hook!
Blake Shelton! The man himself!
Miranda Lambert performing Baggage Claim.
Justin Moore and Blake Shelton performing. I love how Blake invited each of the performers on tour with him up on stage to do a song with him. He is so real, humble and honest and himself. That's what I love about him.
I didn't get any good videos of my own, so I am going to post some from youtube.
All in all, it was great night! We have loved Blake Shelton since 2001 and he came out with Austin. 2001 was a special summer for us, and it was all about music. She fell in love with Austin before I did and it was fitting she got to go with me. Tara wasn't able to make if after all, so the whole her not being able to go to the Meet and Greet wasn't an issue.
After the concert we went back to the hotel, changed, freshened up and went to a bar called Cow Girls Inc. I did get one bad picture of my climbing on the mechanical bull, but it's not uploaded so I can't share it with you.
If you ever get a chance to see Blake Shelton perform, DO IT!!! Next time I see him, I think I would like to see him in a less pretentious city than Seattle. (Sorry Seattle but you need to chill out!) Boise, or Spokane would've been more to my liking. I hope to see him in Alberta this summer with my laid back Canadian folk.
I couldn't have asked for a better concert. I think the concert was better than meeting Blake Shelton himself. I did get to meet him, and it was exactly as I thought it would be.
We waited at a section in the arena at the appointed time, showed our pass, then proceeded to wait behind some red gates, where ushered where I assume the dressing rooms are, waited in line and filed one by-one to have our pictures taken a quick autograph and where ushered out. I was happy to meet him, but it was so quick and impersonal that I it was over in a blink of an eye.
We weren't allowed to bring our own cameras to get pictures so I am patiently waiting for the pictured to be uploaded on his website. I don't even know if it's a good picture of me or if my eyed are open. I am notorious for squinting and looking stoned in my pics. I was hoping that it would be more of a mingling meet and greet with snacks and beverages, but hell I got to meet him which is pretty damn awesome.
Carol and I did this right, and got a hotel and everything. Only 3 things could've made the night better. 1) It wouldn't have been raining; 2) Carol would've gotten a Meet and Greet; 3) Some jerk hadn't stolen one of the signs we painted for him.
Fancy! |
The hotel bathroom looking into the room. |
Trying to win Carol a Meet and Greet playing "Blake's Balls" They won. t was a fare contest, maybe the baby belly helped? Dia Frampton! She was so sweet, It was a pleasure to watch her perform.
Justin Moore! So hot, and I love his song Bait a Hook!
Blake Shelton! The man himself!
Miranda Lambert performing Baggage Claim.
Justin Moore and Blake Shelton performing. I love how Blake invited each of the performers on tour with him up on stage to do a song with him. He is so real, humble and honest and himself. That's what I love about him.
I didn't get any good videos of my own, so I am going to post some from youtube.
All in all, it was great night! We have loved Blake Shelton since 2001 and he came out with Austin. 2001 was a special summer for us, and it was all about music. She fell in love with Austin before I did and it was fitting she got to go with me. Tara wasn't able to make if after all, so the whole her not being able to go to the Meet and Greet wasn't an issue.
After the concert we went back to the hotel, changed, freshened up and went to a bar called Cow Girls Inc. I did get one bad picture of my climbing on the mechanical bull, but it's not uploaded so I can't share it with you.
If you ever get a chance to see Blake Shelton perform, DO IT!!! Next time I see him, I think I would like to see him in a less pretentious city than Seattle. (Sorry Seattle but you need to chill out!) Boise, or Spokane would've been more to my liking. I hope to see him in Alberta this summer with my laid back Canadian folk.
Blake Shelton,
Dia Frampton,
Justin Moore,
Mini Vacation,
Miranda Lambert,
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