Some of you may wonder what I do all day while Aaron is at daycare? You know as I am unemployed and and have nothing else to do but sit on,my butt all day and read blogs and blog. Well one of the things I do to pass time is get inked! And instead of getting something small as per the norm for me. I went big. Bigger than any of my previous tattoos. 

Final product.
Eric got me a gift certificate for a tattoo for Christmas. I got a tattoo with it a few weeks ago. I know I wanted a black and grey flower of some sort and was pretty sure I wanted a lily. The artist drew this on me by hand. I am very happy and very pleased with it! The only thing I am not pleased with is this one hurt like a bitch. And I had to get while laying down. I have never gotten a tattoo laying down before. I've always straddled a chair and I prefer that. Laying down, I couldn't read and had nothing to take my mind off of the pain. Last time I barely felt it. This time I felt like a baby. But the pain is beauty, and a beauty this one is!
On the serious side of things. Since my unemployed ass can't find a job I started school this week. I am upgrading high school courses and want to apply for nursing. I've also thought of another job alternative the most wouldn't think of. I am giving very serious thought to joining either the Army/Navy/Air Force Reserves. I've found a unit and a trade I like and have to get my paper work in. I will not specify which branch of the Canadian Forces I will joining as would be too easy to pin point me. Going this route means I will not deploy, I will work part-time one evening and 2 weekends per month which will allow me to stay home with Aaron (not deploy) contribute to my family's income, get some experience to add to the resume and it's something I can do while going to university should I get accepted into my program.
Now I just need to get my ass in shape as Basic Training will kill me. (Held on weekends.)
On the autism front, Aaron's assessments are next week. We dont' know what to think or make. Some days we think he is a normal little boy other days some of his behaviors perplex us. Regardless of the outcome it's better to know than not. Aaron continues to develop at daycare and is participating in circle time and games. 2 months ago he never would've done this. I am still glad we decided to put him in. It's one of the best parenting decisions I think we've made for him.
I love it!! Seriously love it friend!!
Freehand? That's really nice work. How long did it take?
I was there for 3 hours but charged for 2.
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