Monday, July 30, 2012

Stripe Inspired Post

This post is brought to you by stripes! Inspired by Whoorl. Aaron and I are on the ferry on the start of our road trip to Alberta! Were off the go see Grandpa Bob, a stop in a at my dad's. Tomorrow my sisters, and Wednesday Cowtown! Aaron will be with his paternal grandparents and Then momma's off to a country music festival! Lets pray there are no tornado warnings. Weather has been weird on the prairies this past week. I am terrified of tornadoes!

Aaron and I both happen both be in stripes today! Aaron courtesy of The Children's Place and me of  friend who lent me this shirt that I just love and no I will never ever find! So I will wear every time I get the chance.  Were killing time Aaron watching his DVD player, me tooling around the interweb.

A squirmey preschooler makes for a good post! You get the gist if his shirt.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hiking Adventures and then some

I heard there was a trestle. The last month has been math, math and more math! (And teenagers.) Me the only adult aside from the teacher with hormonal 14-17 year olds. So on my first day of freedom I hit the trail and this is what I found.

I have been doing a lot more hiking since Eric and I parted ways. Getting to know and love this beautiful Island I live on instead of running away to Vancouver every chance I get. I've been accepted to a program to  our local college that I am currently sitting 10th on a wait list. Fingers crossed I get in for September as opposed to January. The program is 10 months long. My short term goal until I get into nursing. I've only go 2 pre requisites left. Math and Chem. I just did a refresher math course and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and I got through it! 

I am kinda, sorta, maybe seeing someone. We can call him Adam. There is no label on us. We don't chat every day, or even text. I'm busy, he's busy with work. We see each other once a week or so. And he hasn't been introduced to Aaron nor do I plan to. He also happens to be 24! He's very cute, funny we have a lot to talk about and he didn't even kiss me till our third date. That is unheard of for me! I like it the way it is and will keep it that way for now. 

Next week, will be another roadtrip to Alberta for Aaron and I. He is off to the grandparents and mommy's  off to Big Valley Jamboree! (BVJ) and there will be some Blake Shelton, Toby Keith and Rascal Flatts! Did I mention Blake Shelton? I am a tired mama and Aaron is coughing so I am off.