It’s something I had better get used to and quick. Come in about two weeks time it’s just going to be Aaron and I for the next 6-7 months. I am getting a crash course what it’s like to be a single working mom.
Everything falls on me. Lunches, dishes, daycare drop off and pick up. Getting everything ready the night before. Everything. I am a little bit overwhelmed. Eric has done a lot around the house and has been key in getting us all out the door and to daycare and work on time. He’s out for the next two nights (for work) so it’s something that I am getting used to.
If tonight’s dinner (frozen pizza) and my kitchen is any indicator it’s going to be a messy (household wise) 6 months.
I wrote a huge post the other night that got lost. I got into the nitty gritty on my feelings of Eric’s upcoming deployment and my feelings of him being Aaron’s primary caregiver as I’ve been working fulltime and going to school part time. Alas it’s not meant to be blogged about at this time I wrote it on my lap top and it overheated and shut down and I haven’t been able to recover it.
The lap top was given to me and Eric just ordered me a new one so hopefully I won’t lose a post again. I haven’t had a new PC since ’04 so it’s needed and overdue.
Today could’ve been a lot worse considering how it started by me discovering Eric had unplugged the crock pot last night to charge my iPod and I woke up to not cooked chili. (I am not mad as we only have ONE electrical outlet in the entire kitchen and he was doing me a favor as I wear my iPod at work and it get’s me through my day. It is encouraged, not something I would normally do in the workplace.)
I was 2.5 hours late for work as I had to take Aaron to get his blood drawn. I expected a lot of tears and hard day ahead of me, but it wasn’t that bad. The first lab we went to sent us to the hospital to the out patient lab to get Aaron’s blood drawn as they “couldn’t process” his one requisition. I took him to lab opened early to save some time, instead of waiting for the one I normally go to open which has awesome staff that are great with kids. I have to say to lady who collected Aaron’s blood this morning was awesome and worth the wait. He didn’t flinch or make a peep. She has an angel’s touch. And I was so proud him.
My little angel is sleeping and that’s my queue to clean the kitchen and make tomorrows lunches a chore I hate with a passion.
6-7 months? Brutal.
Hopefully you have a support system (friends, family) that can help you from time to time.
You are a brave lady. I wish I had your fortitude. 40 years from now, you'll look back and say Hey, I won!
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